Monday, 28 November 2011

Our vision of public services

PSI Vision Statement
“To advance the rights and interests of working people by building the global strength of global public sector trade unions to promote quality public services as essential in building fair and inclusive societies, where all people have equal access and opportunity.”

Public Services
“Public services are those which are universally provided to the public and available equally to all; they affect life, safety and the public welfare and are vital to commercial and economic  development; they involve regulatory or policy-making functions; the service is incompatible with
the profit motive or cannot be effectively or efficiently delivered through market mechanisms.”
Source: Focus on the public services; PSI, Vol 8 No 4, 2001

About PSI

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Welcome to PUBLICWorks

In November 2011, participants at the FES-PSI workshop held in Kingston agreed that a blog would be a wonderful way to continue the work started and to share information and ideas.

PUBLICWorks is the result.