About the FES-PSI Caribbean 2011-2013 Project

PSI FES Cooperation 2011 to 2013
General description
The project will contribute to:
1.      the development of a knowledgeable and effective cadre of trade unionists able to lead and engage in debates at national, regional and international levels;
2.      increasing the visibility, influence and impact of Caribbean public sector trade unions in the CARICOM Secretariat and its various institutions and departments;
3.      ensuring that the specific and special concerns of women workers, young workers and workers with disabilities are included in proposals and alternative development models;
4.      promoting the importance of quality public services in building fair and sustainable societies.
Expected results
A cadre of 12 trade unionists will have been trained at the end of the project period.
·        Participants will have developed expertise (detailed knowledge of and ability to make proposals) in the following issues:
-        public sector finance and fair taxation;
-        privatisation and outsourcing;
-        precarious work;
-        environment and climate change issues.

·        Participants will have contributed to identifying alternative development models;

·        Public service sector trade unions in the Caribbean will have taken the lead in debates and presented alternative proposals to national governments and CARICOM institutions;

·        Participants will have developed the ability and skills to effectively present the public service sector union case at national, regional and international meetings and forums;

·        Participants will have prepared and published (online) position papers and small pieces of research;

·        Participants will have contributed to identifying and training a new cadre of  “experts”.

Related document
Programme for 2011 workshop