Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Second workshop in Port of Spain

The NUGFW has kindly offered the use of its conference room for the second workshop. NUGFW's headquarters is located at 145-147 Henry Street, Port of Spain.

The 2 1/2 day workshop will be held from October 3rd to 5th.

Now putting thoughts together for the programme. So much to do, so little time.

In the last workshop we had to think about the environment in which we're operating - what I called the landscapes. And we had to start preparing ourselves - preparing the canvas.

Aims for 2nd workshop

In this year's workshop, participants will:

1.         Prepare to conduct small pieces of research
2.         Prepare trade union position papers on Caribbean development (priorities and models)
3.         Practise presenting arguments and proposals

With the blog up and running - sorta, we can really engage in conversation during and after this second workshop. We can only get better as we practise.

Still trying to come up with a snappy theme for the workshop. Hmmm.

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