Monday, 14 January 2013

Working together: publc sector trade unionism in the Caribbean

Building a new and better platform for trade unionism in the Americas is key. The challenges of this century demand that organisations develop new partners, new synergies and find new ways of doing this.

The FES-PSI project provides a number of opportunities for affiliates to do just that. In order to be able to influence decision-making at the various levels, it means that trade unions must be working together also at those same levels.

Roland Ignacio, general secretary, CGTC

In a series of presentations at the 2011 workshop (Kingston) and the 2012 workshop (Port of Spain), Bro Roland Ignacio, General Secretary of the CGTC in Curacao presented his thoughts and views. In addition to providing some historical background, Bro Ignacio raised a number of key questions.

Involvement of Caribbean Unions in Regional Platform
Public Sector Unions and Sustainable Development
Trade Union renewal: the on-going thinking, discussion, strategies and actions
The current geopolitics in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

Some key questions:
  1. Is the renewal of the trade union movement in the Caribbean important or necessary? Why?
  2. What should be the procedure to start a process of trade union renewal in public sector unionism?
  3. Who has to take the initiative?
  4. Which organisations could give support in this process?

What are your own thoughts? Or, perhaps you have some more questions?

We welcome your comments.

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